Early SEptember 2020

These galleries are in the reverse order of shooting, newest first.

The first gallery is from a hike on the Smith Creek Trail from Ana-Ruby Falls to the campground at Unicoi State Park. This trail seems to have many mushrooms and other fungi every year. Always fun to shoot, but the hike itself is quite strenuous.

The second gallery is from Sept 1. I watched the sunrise at West Bank Park on Lak Lanier, and I got the first decent light in quite some time. On return home, the light was just right for shooting the flowers in the front yard. “Better than most” mornings.

Cooper Creek, Aug 2020

An outing with the Sonny Day Hikers that turned into a fungus frolic. We found numerous mushrooms and other fungi growing all over the place. With the hot humid weather we’ve been having, I guess that should not be a surprise.

August 2020, second half

More sunrises, flowers and grasses as the epidemic caution continues. The first gallery is from a sunrise at West Bank Park on Lake Lanier and some shots of leftover rain when I returned home.

The second gallery is more stuff from the yard and some from the native plant garden at the greeenway trailhead.

August 2020, first half

This will be a single post for the month because I have not been able to get out very often due to the ongoing epidemic. On top of that, the sunrises have often been clouded over, with little to no color. So one shoots what is available, and that was often the dewdrops or raindrops on the lawn or shrubs. I struggled to find a way to steady myself for the macro shots that are too low to use my tripod, finally settling on a 2×4 under the camera and my elbows on the ground.

Late July 2020

The epidemic continues, so I’m not getting out as much as I’d like, limited primarily to some sunrises and what I can find around the yard.

More July 2020 sunrises

We had a number of days of partly to mostly cloudy skies with good chances for rain. That meant the sunrise sky would likely be cloudy and reflective. So I got up and went to West Bank Park to see how it played out. The results were excellent.

The first gallery if from the morning of 8 July 2020. The second is from the next day, 9 July 2020. The third is from July 15.

Fourth of July Sunrise 2020

Up early yet again for the sunrise, and again was all alone at West Bank Park on Lake Lanier. The color was just beginning to show as I arrived, built up to a really amazing peak, and then faded to very little as the sun came over the horizon and clouds.

Sunrise on the Lake, June 2020

Up very early for a sunrise shoot on the water of Lake Lanier. An OK but not great sunrise, but we did find a heron.

Late June, 2020

A hike with the Sonny Day Hikers along a piece of the Appalachian Trial from Testnatee Gap up the mountain to the east. We had intended to hike to the Whitley Gap Shelter but got a bit confused about our location and the trailhead. Still a good hike although foggy for much of it.

Also a sunrise over Lake Lanier. Not the greatest but better than many.

And lastly a shot of raindrops on a hosta stem one morning.

Mid June 2020

Continuing to stay at home with few exceptions. I get up for the sunrise since that is so early few are out and about at that time. Other than that, I have hiked once, foraged for food and drink, and occasionally gassed up the car or truck. These pictures are from the 10th to the 13th of the month.